Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The year in review and things to come.

Well, with the year almost over, I feel it is safe to say that 2010 has been a really good year for me.

The Strange Encounters webcomic is doing very well, with a steadily growing audience each month. I will be transferring everything over to www.strange-encounters.com over the next week or so, which will be the new home of the comic. The page is under construction at this time but will be operational by the 1st of January. This page will be the new home for the webcomic, while this blog becomes more blog like and tells you of things going on and things to come. Also, you can join the Strange Encounters fan page on facebook,which will have tons of updates on the webcomic as well as monthly prize drawings including original art.

I have two more webcomics I will be starting this year, more realistic in style, starting with the short story of Surefire: Eclipse, a tale of an intergalactic police officer tracking a rouge vessel on the fringes of the galaxy.

In 2011 I also hope to make some headway getting a toy line for RagBoy and Hands McGee, new tshirts and more, finish work on the 1st Strange Encounters digital children's book, finish a Strange Encounters short animation, and hopefully a Strange Encounters children's learning game. I will also be attending a few comic cons this year on the east Coast to promote my projects and network with fellow creators.

I just want to say thank you to everyone who has supported me over this year and years past. All of this would not mean nearly as much without you encouraging me along the way and enjoying the stories I tell.

I look foward to everything that 2011 will bring.


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